Welcome to the Ganja Section I have been lookin about the net, lookin for good ganja pages, and i've found a few good sights. I found one that gives you descriptions of all the different variations of ganja, including the Super Silver Haze!!!(which i tried in the DAM)!!!

Also, circulating its way around the net, is a PHAT game called DopeWars. You are a dealer and have to make NUFF money.

There's a phat version of dopewars flyin round the net that actually lets you shoot up the dirty cops that shout abuse at ya.

you can get this top version from

a lot of cool shit has happened just lately:

Firstly, it was my 18th birthday the other week AND i spent the fucker in no-other than AMSTERDAM!!!!!!!! put that in ya pipe and smoke it!!!

It was only the FATTEST trip man, i recommend the SHROOMS aiiiiii!!

Wanna build a spliff? Ya can now with with my interactive spliff builder, just click HERE